Save the date: Presentation XXVI ISMU Report on migrations 2020
8 April 2021
XXVI ISMU Report on migrations 2020
13 April 2021
Save the date: Presentation XXVI ISMU Report on migrations 2020
8 April 2021
XXVI ISMU Report on migrations 2020
13 April 2021



The event at a glance

The details


Niger sets goal of returning 130,000 Nigerian refugees by year-end


Niger and the state of Borno in neighbouring Nigeria have struck a deal for the return this year of more than 130,000 Nigerian refugees, Niger’s president Mohamed Bazoum said Friday. “We have set a deadline of the month of November-December for all the refugees from Nigeria who are in the Diffa region (of southeast Niger) to return home, it’s more than 130,000 people,” Bazoum told reporters on the sidelines of a G5 Sahel summit in Paris. Niger hosts tens of thousands of people who have fled from northeast Nigeria, where Boko Haram Islamists launched a bloody campaign a dozen years ago (Source: Africanews).