The “Highlights on Malians and irregular migration”: a new evidence-based informative tool on Mali
19 June 2020
Project “AwArtMali – Awareness raising and info through art on irregular migration risks in Mali”
25 June 2020
The “Highlights on Malians and irregular migration”: a new evidence-based informative tool on Mali
19 June 2020
Project “AwArtMali – Awareness raising and info through art on irregular migration risks in Mali”
25 June 2020

Project “DimiCome – Diversity Management e Integrazione. Le competenze dei Migranti nel mercato del lavoro”

Cco-funded by European Union

OBIETTIVO SPECIFICO 2 “Integrazione/Migrazione legale”
ON 3 “Capacity building – lett.m) scambio di buone Pratiche – Inclusione sociale ed economica SM”

September 2020

Published the

Guidelines for the identification and assessment of migrants’ soft skills

by Diego Boerchi, Maura di Mauro, Annavittoria Sarli

English translation by Massimiliano Monaci

April 2020

Published the

Linee guida per l’identificazione e la valutazione delle soft skill dei migranti

Edited by Diego Boerchi, Maura di Mauro, Annavittoria Sarli

The Guidelines for the identification and assessment of migrants’ soft skills

are on the Canadian government newsletter in section Research at a Glance.


Research at a Glance is designed to inform the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) community and other interested parties about recently published, policy-relevant research from government, academic and NGO sources.

DIMICOME – Diversity Management e Integrazione Competenze dei Migranti nel mercato del lavoro

(PROG-2195) – CUP H79F18000400009

Co-funded by Fondo Asilo, Migrazione e Integrazione (FAMI) 2014-2020 (OS2 – ON3 del programma nazionale)



Fondazione ISMU


  • Associazione Francesco Realmonte Onlus
  • Centro Estero per l’Internazionalizzazione Scpa (Ceipiemonte)
  • Fondazione Casa di Carità Arti e Mestieri Onlus
  • Fondazione Mondinsieme
  • Unione italiana delle Camere di commercio, industria, artigianato e agricoltura (Unioncamere)
  • Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro
  • Università degli Studi di Verona


  • Sietar Italia


  • EBB Entwicklungsgesellschaft für berufliche Bildung (DE)
  • University of Huelva (ES)
  • Association New Dane (DK)
  • Laboratoire pédagogique du Greta du Velay (FR)
  • Menedek Association (HU)



The project aims to promote migrants’ economic integration by valuing their competences and by fostering their positive impact on the competitiveness of companies.



The project activities are implemented in 5 Italian regions – Emilia Romagna, Lombardy, Piedmont, Apulia, Veneto, and involve organizations in 5 European countries – Denmark, Germany, France, Hungary and Spain.

Through research and exchange of good practices,

WP1  elaborates guidelines on how to value migrant human resources in labour market organizations; II) creates and disseminates a repertory of good practices in the field of migrants’ labour inclusion, III) produces and disseminates a sensitization booklet and a training kit addressed to labour market organizations; IV) provides 35 companies with targeted training on Diversity Management. Through a multi-stakeholder methodology based on focus groups and workshops for the exchange of good practices.

WP2:  identifies the main strengths and weaknesses of the existing methods for bringing to light and assessing migrants’ soft skills; II) provides 120 migrants with a soft skill portfolio; III) builds a repertory of soft skills deriving from the migration experience.

WP3  disseminates the project outcomes through seminars, a final conference and a project webpage. Thanks to the partners’ networks diffusion is implemented both on a national and EU scale.



The project is addressed to 3 target groups:

  • Economic actors. In particular

– 35 labour market organizations interested in migrants’ labour inclusion will be involved in a capacity-building program on Diversity Management (WP1).

– About 100 representatives of the labour market (HR managers, company consultants, employers’ associations, chambers of commerce, etc.) will take part in seminars on Diversity Management (WP3).

  • Organizations operating in the field of migrant’s integration and in the governance of the labour market. In particular:

– About 200 representatives of these organizations (trade unions, third sector organizations, employment centres, professional training agencies, and orientation and placement services, institutional bodies) will take part in seminars on Diversity Management (WP3).

– About 60 representatives of these organizations will take part in seminars on the recognition of migrants’ soft skills (WP3).

– About 150 representatives of organizations operating in the field of migrants’ reception and integration (ad hoc services activated by local institutions, reception centres, and third sector organizations) will take part in networking events (WP3).

  • Migrants and their associations. In particular:

– 120 migrants will be involved in the testing of an innovative methodology for bringing to light and assessing migrants’ soft skills (WP2).

– Different vulnerable target groups will be involved in this activity: refugees (about 90 of them), long-term unemployed migrants (about 20 of them) and NEETs (about 10 of them).

– About 60 leaders or key members of migrants’ associations will take part in seminars on the recognition of soft skills (WP3).



17/09/2018 – 31/12/2021