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Concluding transnational meeting “The Newcomer Entrepreneurship Support initiative: two years on”
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Report “Explorative Study on Unaccompanied Minors in Italy and Access to Education and Training”

The explorative study on the condition of Unaccompanied Foreign Minors (UAMs hereafter) is part of the Alfabetizzazione Linguistica e Accesso all’Istruzione per MSNA – ALI 1 (N. HOME/2019/AMIF/AG/EMAS/0093) project, which has been co-financed by the European Union in the context of the Emergency Measures of the Migration and Asylum Fund. It was carried out by the ISMU Foundation on behalf of the Ministry of Education, in collaboration with a steering committee composed by the General Directorate (DG) Immigration and Integration Policies of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies (Division II), the Ministry of the Interior and the ANCI (“Associazione Nazionale Comuni Italiani”, i.e. the National Association of Italian Municipalities).

By reconstructing a nation-wide picture of the phenomenon based on new data, the explorative study adds a significant piece to the puzzle analysing the conditions of UAMs in Italy, with reference to an area still under-investigated: how UAMs gain access to education and other vocational and training programmes and what happens thereafter. In order to explore this question two main approaches have been used and the results are presented in this Report

  • a national survey on access to education among UAMs present in reception facilities across Italy
  • a qualitative study on 10 local networks coordinated by schools, that are responsible for the educational and training integration of UAMs in different areas of the Country.
Autore: Mariagrazia Santagati and Alessandra Barzaghi
Year: 2021
Editor: Fondazione ISMU
Tipologia: Report