Treasure hunt through the streets of Milan. A chance to (re)discover the neighbourhood between the Central Station and the Martesana Canal
30 September 2022
20th IMISCOE Annual Conference
18 November 2022
Treasure hunt through the streets of Milan. A chance to (re)discover the neighbourhood between the Central Station and the Martesana Canal
30 September 2022
20th IMISCOE Annual Conference
18 November 2022

Webinar “Mitigating AI bias in personnel selection processes” – Grase

9 November from 5.30 p.m. to 6.15 p.m 


The event is organised within the framework of the European project GRASE – Gender and Race Stereotypes Eradication in labour market access, funded by the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (REC 2020) and is aimed at those who have a role in ICT Specialists e AI developers.

During the webinar will be presented toolkit “AI-based gender and race/origin bias detection toolkit”, one of the operational tools implemented by the project to counter the reproduction of prejudices and stereotypes towards women with a migration background in selection processes.

Toolkit describes a tool that can identify gender or race biases hidden behind the recruitment process conducted using artificial intelligence algorithms.  

The Toolkit can be successfully used by public services or employment companies, allowing them both to check for bias in job offers drafted prior to their publication and to test the software used in the selection of applications.


For more details Download the Toolkit click HERE >>